The Garden Croquet set is one of the most popular on the market. Suitable for most levels of croquet it tends to come with hardwood mallets and composite or wooden balls. The Garden Croquet Sets are ideal for those looking to enjoy the game of croquet, whilst not playing tournaments.

The Garden croquet set mallets are of the highest quality, and may come in a variety of sizes, with a grip to provide a superior finish and feel. Garden croquet sets may have different types of wooden mallet, ideal for keen croquet players. The croquet balls can be wooden or composite, and at 12oz, are lighter and easier to use than championship regulation croquet balls.

Prices for the Garden croquet set are very competitive, and most games allow you to choose a croquet bag, trolley or wooden box to store the set in.

Garden Croquet Sets

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6 Player Garden Croquet Set
6 Player Garden Croquet Set

Croquet Set

6 Player Pro Croquet Set
6 Player Pro Croquet Set

Croquet Set

Garden Croquet Set
Garden Croquet Set

Croquet Set

4 Player Pro Croquet Set
4 Player Pro Croquet Set

Croquet Set
