Croquet sets come with a variety of storage options. Ranging from nylon bags, to trolleys and wooden croquet boxes. If you are purchasing a croquet set it is worth thinking about the most appropriate way of storing your set, and if necessary, travelling with it. The wooden box provides the most protection and is offered by most suppliers. A trolley is appropriate if you are going to use the set regularly and do not need to travel. At the other end of the scale the croquet bag is useful if you need to transport your croquet set.

When looking at storage and transportation options, you may also consider having a couple of storage options, such as the bag and the box.


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Nylon Croquet Set Bag
Nylon Croquet Set Bag

Croquet Accessories

Wooden Croquet Set Trolley
Wooden Croquet Set Trolley

Croquet Accessories

Wooden Croquet Set Box
Wooden Croquet Set Box

Croquet Accessories

Tool Kit Croquet Set Bag
Tool Kit Croquet Set Bag

Croquet Accessories
