The Garden Croquet Set is one of the bestselling croquet sets provided by Uber Games. A full size set, it provides excellent value for money and is a classic set for 4 player croquet games. The different size croquet mallets (2 different sizes) ensure that players of different heights are all able to enjoy the game.
The Garden Croquet Set is supplied with traditional wooden croquet balls.
Quality of the Garden Croquet Set
Top quality hardwood croquet mallets with round handles.
Traditional wooden round heads on the croquet mallets provide quality and durability.
Wooden croquet balls – as per the traditional croquet sets. Note that the balls are painted wood - and do deteriorate from first use. We recommend composite balls for durability.
Components of the Garden Croquet Set:
4 Hardwood Croquet Mallets with round handles - approximately 2lbs 13oz each;
2 – 97cm (38”) Croquet Mallets with 23cm (9”) x 8cm (3”) hardwood head
2 – 87cm (34”) Croquet Mallets with 23cm (9”) x 8cm (3”) hardwood head
4 12oz Wooden Croquet Balls 9cm (3 5/8”) in diameter
1 Hoop “smasher” croquet mallet with rubber head (important as the rubber protects the hoops)
4 Corner flags
1 Hardwood Centre peg 53cm (21") high x 4cm (1 1/2") diameter
What is the Garden Croquet Set Supplied With?
The Garden Croquet set is supplied with a Nylon bag as standard, however this can be upgraded to either a Tool Kit bag, a Wooden Trolley or a Presentation Wooden Box. For more information on croquet set storage options please visit our croquet storage options page.
Uber Games also supplies a range of accessories for your croquet set – which can be found on the croquet accessory page